Our Guiding Principles

Jody Sandwick, Circle Ranch Inc. and Girl Scout Troop 60173
  • Jesus Christ is central

  • We will be prayer driven as we believe without faith we cannot clarify God’s mission for Circle Ranch

  • We will remain faithful to our Vision

  • Our Mission Statement will be reflected in our activities

  • Circle Ranch will be entirely a non-profit organization. Funds will be accepted from private donors to the extent that it does not jeopardize our Mission Statement

  • Circle ranch will be debt free

  • We will live within our means. Capital developments will never supersede our ability to maintain the ongoing support of the ranch

  • We will seek the council of others when needed

  • We will commit ourselves to excellence in every aspect of our organization including our staff, the ranch environment, programs and business practices

  • We will continue to develop Circle Ranch and programs for the development of the children

  • We will strive to always be an asset to the area in which we live and to take an active role within the community

  • We will at all times be open and honest with our constituency

  • Truth and truthfulness will be essential within the community of Circle Ranch

  • If Circle Ranch cannot meet the needs of the child, we shall assist and make every effort to refer them to other agencies or ministries within the area.

Our Vision

The vision for Circle Ranch is to see each child inspired to follow Christ, healed from their past and discovering hope for a brighter future by breaking the cycle of abuse, neglect and abandonment, homelessness and trauma.

Circle ranch will administer to all God's children  who are in need of a home and family, helping them in their life's journey to overcome  their circumstances and discovering hope through positive change.